We Learned from
Fidel That A Socialist
Revolution, To Be
True, Must Maintain
Firmness in Principles
Remarks by Ambassador Mrs. Anayansi
Rodríguez Camejo, Permanent
Representative of Cuba to the United
Nations, at the closing session of the
National Solidarity Conference for the
Full Normalization of Cuba - United
States Relations, in New York, March
Dear friends,
We are touched to see, once again, that we
have so many good friends here. The work
you have done over these years has been
particularly important and helpful. You
know very well what these expressions of
solidarity mean for a country like Cuba,
a small, blocked and rebel Island, that
continues and will continue to withstand.
The strong support we have always
received from the worthy sons of this
country, who are increasingly demanding
the unconditional lifting of the blockade
and the normal relations between the two
nations, have been fundamental.
We have followed with close attention
the discussions in the panels and
workshops held at the Conference.
Highly sensitive issues have been
addressed, such as Cuba’s role in the
liberation of Africa; democracy in Cuba;
the racial theme; and the empowerment
of women; as well as problems directly
linked to the current state of relations
between Cuba and the United States,
like the return of the territory illegally
occupied in Guantánamo and the fight
against the blockade, among other
A special mention deserves, for what it
means to all of us, the space dedicated
to remembering the legacy of our
Commander-in-Chief and Historical
Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel
So many things could be said about Fidel
that would be impossible to summarize
in a few words. Fidel stood out for his
solid political thinking and his condition
of a leading Statesman; his virtue to
always maintaining a constant and direct
connection with his people; he is one
of the greatest exponents of our time of
the ideas taken up by the Liberators of
Fidel was and remains today the voice of
rebelliousness, resistance and the hope of
the peoples around the world for a better
future. He taught us and continues to
teach us that the struggle for social justice
has no borders. Fidel turned solidarity
with other peoples of the world into an
essential quality of the Cuban Revolution.
Likewise, Fidel was and is the most
accomplished expression of perseverance,
of the conviction not to accept defeat in
any way and to maintain an unshakable
faith in victory. This condition has
become an attribute of all our people and
has marked what has been and what is
today the Cuban Revolution, which has
firmly resisted for almost 60 years of
aggression and fierce blockade.
Fidel is still and will always be alive in
each one of us, because it is impossible to
speak about him in past sense.
Dear friends,
The large number of topics addressed,
and the depth of the discussions in
this Conference are a clear expression
of the interest of the participants in
embracing the widest possible elements
that characterize today’s Cuban society,
in which the common ground has been
and still are the huge efforts made by the
Revolution to reach growing levels of
social justice for all.
As you know well, -and you know better
than anyone because you live and work
here-, those efforts of the Revolution
are made under very difficult conditions
as a result of the policy of blockade,
that this is the major obstacle to Cuban
So the battle is not over, and that’s why
we consider it vital that in the Conference
several panels had been devoted to
reviewing the work of the Solidarity
Movement with Cuba, analyzing its
perspectives and setting goals for future
Sometimes, we have talked with some
people who believe, in good faith and
perhaps because they do not have all the
information, that the reestablishment of
diplomatic relations between Cuba and
the United States meant the end of all
problems. You know very well it is not so.
Some progress has been made in bilateral
relations, mainly in diplomatic affairs,
dialogue and cooperation on various
issues of common interest. However,
these steps, together with the executive
measures adopted by the previous US
Government, although they are in the
right way, are still insufficient.
But the reality is that the economic,
commercial and financial blockade
against Cuba remains in force, including
its extraterritorial scope, and continues to
cause enormous damage and deprivation
to our people and our economy.
The reality is that the return of the
territory illegally occupied by the United
States Naval Base in Guantanamo is
still pending, against the will of Cuban
Therefore, Cuba will continue to present
to the United Nations General Assembly
the draft resolution entitled “Necessity
of ending the economic, commercial
and financial Embargo imposed by the
United States of America against Cuba”.
That is why the Cuban people will
continue to demand respect for its
sovereignty and territorial integrity.
And in that battle, your solidarity and
mobilization are needed now more than
In today´s world, where so much injustice
prevails, where racist and xenophobic
attitudes have re-emerged with
unusual strength, where inequalities are
exacerbated, where an unjust economic
order is fostered and where the intention
is to impose on the peoples the philosophy
of war, your work will not only benefit
Cuba; it will transcend our borders and
will be part of the struggle for that better
world that we believe possible.
Dear friends,
I leave this conference convinced that
the most important outcome of the
discussions over these two days has been
that we have worked together in the
pursuit of the same objective. Our past
and present history has taught us that
only unity paves the way towards victory.
We can and we must move forward
together to achieve this great goal that
we have set ourselves, even if there is
diversity of views, because diversity
enriches and helps when, as in this case,
we share common goals.
There is still a long way to go. You can be
absolutely certain that Cuba will continue
to work towards normal relations with
the United States, on the basis of equality,
reciprocity and respect for the sovereignty
of our country.
Cuban President Raúl Castro Ruz
said in the most recent Summit of the
Community of Latin American and
Caribbean States held last January in the
Dominican Republic, and I quote:
“Cuba and the United States can
cooperate and coexist in a civilized way,
respecting differences and promoting
all that benefits both countries and
peoples, but it must not be expected that
Cuba make concessions inherent to its
sovereignty and independence.”
This statement leads us
to evoke once again our
Fidel, because we learned
from him that a socialist
Revolution, to be true,
must maintain firmness
in principles. And, as we
have expressed in another
gathering with our
brothers from Harlem,
there should be no doubt
that we will continue to
defend these principles
today and in the future,
whatever the scenario
might be. And we are
deeply convinced that in
this battle, which is not
over, we will continue
to count on your firm
¡Viva Cuba libre!
Patria o Muerte
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