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      Vancouver Protests Trudeau... Again!

      By Thomas Davies

      Justin Trudeau's presence in Vancouver was protested yet again on May 18. This is sure to be an ongoing tradition as long as the Prime Minister maintains his pro-pipeline policies. Trudeau has not been able to come to Vancouver without a protest since his decision to approve the Kinder Morgan and Line 3 pipelines last year.

      Organized on four days notice by the Vancouver Climate Convergence coalition, 300 protestors chanted loudly and held large banners outside of a fancy downtown hotel while Trudeau spoke at a $750 a plate Liberal fundraising event inside.

      The chant of, “Hey Hey, Trudeau, Kinder Morgan has Got to Go!” has become a familiar sound in Vancouver and across Canada, and once again rally participants confirmed their determination that the Kinder Morgan pipeline will never be built regardless of his attempts to force the project through. Follow Thomas on Twitter: @thomasdavies59

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