Ellen Gabriel (1959-)
Turtle Clan Member and Indigenous Human rights activist, Gabriel is well-known as the spokesperson chosen by the People of the Longhouse and her community of Kanehsatà:ke during the 1990 "Oka Crisis" or Kanehsatà:ke and Kahnawake Siege; a 78 day standoff to protect their traditional territories from the expansion of a golf course.
The community of Kanehsatà:ke existed long before the arrival of Europeans in North America and is the oldest Mohawk community in existence. We have waited for centuries for justice which has been denied to us due to the illegal doctrines of superiority designed to dispossess us of our lands. Instead the Kanien’kehà:ka – Mohawk people are confronted by coercive methods by Government and its authorities, justified under blatant institutionalized racism through the Indian Act. We must put an end to “land claims” negotiations which requires all Indigenous nations to “extinguish” title to their lands and resources; allows third party interests to continue during negotiations and is founded solely on Canadian law, policy and standards.
On July 11th of this year [2013], we marked the 23rd anniversary of the “Oka Crisis, 1990” through a peaceful protest at Parc Nationale d’Oka, a place where our ancestors lived and occupied for many millenniums. It is sad that after 23 years, the Mohawk people of Kanehsatà:ke are no closer to achieving justice to our long standing historical land rights grievances: a struggle has been going on for several centuries now and desperately requires some sort of peaceful resolution.
Letter to Canada and All Crown Actors re: development on Traditional Kanehsatà:ke Territory Posted on Ellen Gabriel’s blog:
https://sovereignvoices1.wordpresso.com August 13, 2013
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