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      Love Cuba for the Respect of Sexual Diversity!

      By Azza Rojbi

      Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) celebrated the amazing advances made by the LGBTQ2+ community in Cuba by participating in Vancouver Pride weekend activities. On July 31st, the Pride weekend was kicked off by the 6th annual Trans Liberation and Celebration March. Cuba supporters joined LGBTQ2+ activists and allies as they filled the streets of Commercial drive. A banner reading “Cuba Says: LGBTQ+ Rights are Human Rights!” was among the rainbow of placards and signs carried by participants.

      On that same day Cuba was represented at the Davie Street Festival with a VCSC info booth.

      The following day the Cuba contingent was back marching on Commercial Drive as part of the 12th annual Vancouver Dyke March. Afterwards people gathered in Grandview park for a festival and celebration. Supporters of Cuba handed out hundreds of materials about Cuba and directed people to the Cuba booth to learn more.

      The highlight of the weekend was the 37th Annual Vancouver Pride Parade and Festival. The parade is one of the most diverse and largest LGBTQ2+ events in the world. Over 650,000 people gathered to watch the parade.

      VCSC participated in the parade for the 8th consecutive year. A colorful and energetic contingent marched flying the Pride, trans and the Cuban flags high together while chanting “Viva Pride! Viva Cuba!”. Participants carried a banner reading “CUBA SAYS: Sexual diversity is not dangerous! Homophobia + Transphobia are!”. Spectators greeted with cheers, clapping, broad happy smiles and hugs! After an exciting parade marchers strolled down to the Pride Festival where they gathered at the Cuba info booth. The booth was busy throughout the day with people stopping by to learn about the Cuban revolution and the amazing achievements of the LGBTQ2+ community in Cuba.

      The participation of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba in Pride weekend activities was a great success .

      You can still join the Cuba contingency at New Westminster Pride Festival, August 15, 2015 (3-8pm) on Columbia Street. Look out for the Cuban Flag and come join us at the Cuba info booth!

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