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February 28 2016 2016 Repeal Bill C-51 Conference was a Great Success! ![]()
No to all Forms of Terrorism! ![]() The diverse movement against Bill C-51 was well represented by the six speakers in the two conference panels: “What is the State of Bill C-51 Today?” and “Building the Movement to Repeal Bill C-51. Audrey Siegl also opened the conference with an official Musqueam Welcome. ![]() Micheal Vonn of the BC Civil Liberties Association, Dr. Samir Gandesha, Director of SFU Institute for the Humanities and Charles Boylan, the Coordinator of the Working Group to Stop Bill C-51 formed the first panel. Together they gave a detailed analysis of the origins of Bill C-51, the international crackdown on dissent, and the challenges posed by the the new government of Canada which has promised, “Real Change Now” but definitely has not delivered this on Bill C-51. The first workshop was chaired by Jean Ardila of the Human Rights & International Solidarity Committee of the Education & Training Employee Association and the second workshop by Bowinn Ma of Stop Bill C-51 and United We Stand. ![]() During the second panel, Chief Bob Chamberlin, Vice President of Union of BC Indian Chiefs, George Davison, President of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators and Thomas Davies of the Working Group to Stop Bill C-51 discussed how best to move forward to organize to repeal Bill C-51. The common sentiment was that Bill C-51 is an attack on so many sectors of society, it therefor opens massive possibilities for unity and coordination as the demand to Repeal Bill C-51 is in all of our interests. Over half the conference was devoted to discussion between all of the participants. There was never a lull in discussion, as people asked questions of the presenters, and also shared their own analysis and ideas on how to move forward. ![]() The conference closed with an open invitation by that the Working Group to Stop Bill C-51 is to join its 51st picket action in 51 weeks against Bill C-51. The conference reaffirmed the necessity to continue to educate, organize and mobilize to demand that Justin Trudeau and the government of Canada, “REPEAL BILL C-51!” They must constantly be reminded that not only do people across Canada want this law repealed, but they are also willing to organize against it. Conference organised by : Working Group to Stop Bill C-51 Web: http://www.RepealBillC51.org/ E-Mail: stoppolicestatebillc51@gmail.com Twitter: @StopBillC51 |